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Curriculum Statement

At Barrow URC Primary School, we are extremely proud of our bespoke curriculum and what we offer to all our children throughout their school journey. Our Curriculum intent sums up our commitment and passion to help our children truly 'become to best that we can be.'

Rooted in God’s love, we will grow and learn together through the delivery of an enriched and creative curriculum. We are passionately committed to developing happy, well-rounded children who can reach their full potential with the skills, knowledge, and experiences to achieve their dreams.

Our Curriculum drivers help to drive and shape our curriculum and are incorporated across all subjects and themes. Our Drivers are:

Through effective design and planning, our curriculum ensures that learning is sequential, progressive and purposeful in all areas. Our curriculum allows for pupils to build upon their existing knowledge whilst also developing skills to facilitate the acquisition of future learning.

Furthermore, to ensure a coherent and consistent approach, five key principles are interwoven throughout our whole curriculum, giving it a voice so that it speaks to the needs of our pupils:

  • Vocabulary. The explicit teaching of vocabulary happens within all areas of the curriculum to immerse pupils within a language-rich environment.
  • Oracy. Our pupils will develop key speaking and listening skills which they will apply to a variety of concepts from debates to presentations.
  • Independence. Our pupils will acquire learning behaviours and attitudes which will allow them to become independent learners, preparing them for the next stage in their life.
  • Challenge. Our curriculum provides opportunities for our pupils to challenge themselves further, fostering self-belief and increasing aspiration.
  • Enrichment opportunities. Where possible, enrichment opportunities are carefully planned to make learning meaningful and purposeful.

These key principles ensure that our curriculum is not only ambitious, but also accessible for all, meeting the needs of each individual pupil including those with disabilities and special educational needs.

We need you! 

To bring our curriculum to life, we will be getting the children to act in a role, taking on various jobs throughout the year and topics. Our children will become Hydro biologists, electricians, festival planners, journalists, product researchers… the list goes on.

To make this even more meaningful, and support children’s aspirations for the world of work, we would like to have a pool of people in the community who we could invite in to do short talks or Question and Answer type sessions with the children.

This doesn’t have to be your job, it may be a topic you are very knowledgeable about e.g sailing, fossils, World War II, the coal area, plants, etc. it may be you have something you could bring in and share with the children to support their learning.

If you feel that you would be happy to be put in our ‘pool’ please can you email or catch me on the yard. Please let me know your name, relation to school/child, and job/topic/items to share. We will then get in touch when the time is right!